Re: Disabling the MSIX ms-appinstaller protocol handler

Copper Contributor

@Dian Hartono I am trying to test custom App Installer UX with the help of the informations from this post, but I am unsuccessful so far. Could you please post a valid sample that uses custom App Installer UX? The documentation is a bit contradictory and also there are lots of elements that don't match with the ones from App Installer schema. Thank you!

2 Replies

@Victor Vica we provide a sample XML, what additional sample are you looking for? Also to ensure your question doesn’t get lost please post a new post in our tech community. Also can you point to where exactly there is contradicting information. Our team manages multiple documentation so things maybe out of sync. 

@Dian Hartono as I have said, the schema from AppInstaller does not match with the one from the sample XML that you are reffering. Could you share a sample .msix that uses custom App Installer UX?