Sep 30 2020 04:51 AM
I'm a beginner in MSIX (but enough skilled in MSI design)
So I started to create a very simple MSI just installing one EULA file under its [INSTALLDIR]
The I used MSIX packaging tool (provided by Microsoft version 1.2020.709.0) and translated the "simple" MSI into MSIX package, and signed also with my own Enterprise certificate (the same I'm using for signing my MSIs). No problem at this stage.
Installation of such MSIX is going well apparently but NO entry is visible under "Apps & Features"...
I can just see it with Get-AppxPackage cmd thru a Powser Shell with Admin
I guess it is a problem from MSIX packaging tool usage as installing the "normal" MSI is OK.
Where am I wrong please ?
Oct 01 2020 12:34 AM
I never had this problem before, but if I were to guess I would suspect that having a simple EULA file as target instead of an actual executable might confuse the OS.
Can you try placing a dummy EXE in the package instead?
The EULA might trick the MSIX Packaging Tool to not detect correctly an entry point for your package and this might (I am just guessing here) not be supported correctly by the OS when you install the package.
Oct 01 2020 01:14 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I'll do as you are suggesting below.
Notice nevetheless that I used this morning (I'm located in France) AdvancedInstaller free tool, instead of MSIX Packaging tool from Microsoft, and it worked properly meaning I could see the new entry under "Apps & Feature"
Oct 01 2020 04:38 AM
Oct 01 2020 06:06 AM
I am glad to hear you got it working with Advanced Installer. Our team is doing some automatic fixes for certain packages (at conversion time) but I couldn't find anything documented that might be related to your package.
Can you share download links for both the package build with Advanced Installer and the one built with the MPT? Maybe we can notice what the MPT is doing wrong.
Oct 01 2020 08:15 AM
Hi Bogdan
As requested, please find attached ZIPs, one containing the MSIX not visible under Apps & Features after its installation, done thru MPT, and the other MSIX, which is visible, done thru AdvancedInstaller tool v.17.5
Oct 02 2020 01:07 AM - edited Oct 02 2020 01:09 AM
So, after using the MSIX Diff support from Advanced Installer, as you can see in the image below, it seems the package you built with the MSIX Packaging Tool does not detect an entry point for your application. (The "Application" node is missing entirely from the AppxManifest.xml found in the package built with MPT).
This entry point is usually detected in this page from the MPT:
Since the package generated by MPT has no entry point I suspect the OS hides it from the list of applications, but I don't have any official docs from MS to support my supposition.
May I ask, since you got the package working with Advanced Installer Express, why do you insist on rebuilding it with the MPT? Is there some restriction that prevents you from using the free Express edition?
Oct 02 2020 01:29 AM
Why not using your Express edition if it is free of charge. Is it the case ?
No limitation for translating any MSI to MSIX ?
Oct 02 2020 01:59 AM
Any package that you create with the free Express edition, downloaded from the MS Store can be deployed in your enterprise without any limitations. Is there any text on our website or store page that made you believe these packages cannot be used in production?
Only if you create a package using one of our paid editions (Professional, Enterprise or Architect) you need to purchase a license. Currently, most of the MSIX features include din the Architect edition are also available in the Express edition. What the Architect edition brings additionally is extended support for repackaging EXE to MSIs, editing MSIs, virtual machines management (AI can connect to a machine and execute automated repackaging operations, restore de VM, etc...) and automation features.
Oct 02 2020 04:22 AM
Hi again
Sorry but I got an issue when trying to install 'Express edition' from uSoft Store, as you suggested in previous mail.
See attached PNG for the details (sorry it is in french...)
FYI, I un-installed before Advanced Installer v17.5 (30 days evaluation) from my laptop Windows 10 Enterprise v. 1809
Any idea ?
Oct 02 2020 06:01 AM
I can read French, that is not a problem. However, the error message is a generic one, it does not provide any clues for further investigation.
Is your internet connection good? Can you try on another machine or virtual machine?
I assume you installed the MPT from the store too, so other apps can be installed from the store on that machine, right?
Oct 02 2020 06:37 AM
Indeed I installed th MPT tool from the store a few days ago !
I retried with my VPN disconnected but same issue.
I tried to run troubleshooter from Windows Store Apps but no success either.
Oct 02 2020 08:45 AM
Hi Bogdan
After so many trials the following process worked for me (and according to post )
- Reset the Microsoft store
Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & Features > select Microsoft Store > Advance options > Reset
- Sign in to Microsoft Store, but first go through your own LDAP credentials. Really strange... (I'm not sure to redo it properly)
- Then downloading the package from uSoft store was good at last !
Notice I didn't use any VPN
Oct 02 2020 12:45 PM
As Bogdan said, if your package does not have an entry point, it will not show up in the Apps & Features page.
For the MSIX Packaging Tool to create an entry point for your application, you need to include an executable and a shortcut to it, or mark the installed executable as an entry point from the "First launch tasks" page using the Browse button.
Since you are creating the MSIs yourself, maybe you could create the MSIX package directly instead of creating the MSI and then converting it to MSIX. You can do this using a Windows Application Packaging Project in Visual Studio. The MSIX Packaging Tool is meant for cases when you do not have access to the source of the application and thus cannot build the package directly.