AppInstaller fails on fresh windows installations

Copper Contributor

When I try to install the msixbundle via an .appinstaller file, it fails on fresh windows installations (Windows 10 as well as Windows 11) and shows the following error:


The error message is also misleading. It says "Installing this package requires administrator privileges. From an Administrator PowerShell prompt, run the command: Add-AppxPackage C:\Users\x\Downloads\OurInstaller.appinstaller"

The Add-AppxPackage command doesn't work if called like this. The path has to be passed via the -AppInstallerFile flag instead, i.e.

Add-AppxPackage -AppInstallerFile C:\Users\x\Downloads\OurInstaller.appinstaller

Directly installing the app via the .msixbundle file works flawlessly, though. But then it doesn't support automatic updates of course.

Also, as soon as I install Visual Studio, the installation via the .appinstaller file works too without any problems.

How could we fix that?

1 Reply

@ThomasDanecker Are you using an older version of App Installer? We recommend updating App Installer first.