Flexible Virtualization


In the recent Ignite video by @John Vintzel , he also discusses Flexible Virtualization, with a screen shot showing how it might be used like this:






Where is the schema for "Virtualization"?  The closest thing I find for RegistryWriteVirtualization is the desktop6 schema, but in that case the RegistryWriteVirtualization element  is a simple type that only supports a single parameter of enabled/disabled.


I believe we need documentation on this.



3 Replies

@John Vintzel I would also be very interested in getting a bit more clarity on this. First, is there documentation and schema for this feature somewhere? And second, is this shipping today, or in some future version? That was not clear to me from the video.


As background, I'm working on a MSIX installer for the Julia programming language, and one major issue at the moment is that we absolutely must integrate with the Jupyter Notebook ecosystem, and for that to work we need the ability to write to a specific file location in %APPDATA% from Julia that is visible to other software, i.e. outside of the container. So I'm actually interested in this for files, not for the registry.


One follow up question on this: will this be supported in App Installer, or just in the Store? The one thing that is completely blocking the Julia installer from using App Installer is that I don't see any way around this file system virtualization for the Jupyter file location, if we had some way to get around that from App Installer, it would really unblock our scenario.

Actually, third question :) Is this a feature that might be made available for older versions of Windows 10 as well? It is an App Installer feature, and you guys can update App Installer on older Windows versions, right? That would also help us, because we can't really use an installer that doesn't work on all supported Windows versions...
There's definitely a lot to know about this issue,I really like all the points you made.