App installs with no errors, but does not fully install

Copper Contributor

I have built an MSIX package for installing DB2 Connect.  It is a complex install, that requires configuration file execution, manual license activation and a registry merge post install of the App itself.  I was able (after numerous attempts) to get this install working using powershell execution.  It installs cleanly on the Hyper-V I built it on and all post install steps clearly worked before I close the installer and generate the package.  The package installs without error on a test machine, but the post-install pieces are not there, when checked.  There are no errors in the log.  The Windows App Certification Kit will not open MSIX files.  Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

23 Replies

@David Hed Well something has to generate an AppXManifest.xml file and it has to be at the root of the package or you don't have a MSIX file!  It really isn't clear from the thread if you used the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool to generate the package, or if you are building your own using MakePri/MakeAppX.


The Packaging Tool will generate the AppXManifest.xml file for you, so if it did not then the tool should have generated an error in creating the package.

@David Hed  


Another possibility I did not consider.  Are you building to deploy to older OSs using MSIX Core?


Sorry.....I had been digging internally so much I didn't see the button for the manifest file right in front of my face.  Attached is a docx with the contents.

@David Hed Looking at your manifest, I see three things.

  1.  Package includes a service.  While you can package it up on an older OS, the runtime support for services inside the package exists only in new "2004" version of the OS.  Please be sure that you are not testing on 1909.
  2.  I see the FlexNet service is involved.  I would suggest directly reaching out to Flexera as to how to handle apps including their service.  While their experience with MSIX will be with their own packaging tool, concepts on how to handle their licensing service should be portable to any packaging tool.
  3. I see "Common AppData" mentioned.  Packages with content under "C:\program data" will need the Psf FileRedirectionFixup, much like "AppData" and "LocalAppData".