Shared Lists : do not sync between Owner & Shared To User on Android

Copper Contributor


Bug is reproducible on Android Clients only.  When "Owner" and “Shared To User” are both on Android client, the below behavior is reproducible.  If “Shared To User” uses a browser the tasks sync OK. 



Shared Lists do not sync between Owner and “Shared To User”. List is only a snapshot that can only be edited by an owner, if list is edited by “Shared To User” To Do hides tasks. 


Detail of bugs:

  1. When “Shared To User” edits an existing task created by “Owner” the task literally disappears from “Shared To User” list!! The task is NOT updated in the “Owner” list in anyway. The task is disappears from the “Shared To User” list.
  2. If “Shared To User” creates a task in the list the “Owner” never sees the task. It ONLY appears in the “Shared To User”’s list.

"Owner" and “Shared To User”’ are both using Android To Do app. Apps on both phone are updated.

Is this by design? Are shared lists in To Do NOT bi-directional? Why would tasks disappear from “Shared To User” list just because the “Shared To User” updates the task?

If the “Owner” updates a task or creates a new task the “Shared To User”’s list reflects the changes. This is expected.


I can show screen shots of my test cases in case Microsoft did not test Shared List functionality.

Regards ,



“Owner”: User that created source list in To Do. (in my test case a Microsoft Account)

“Shared To User”: user that source list is shared with. (in my test case a Microsoft Account)



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