White bar at the bottom of teams

Copper Contributor

Whenever I launch microsoft teams, a weird white portion comes up under the standard user interface.

(if you scroll up it goes away)The ui itself works grand, but whenever i scroll down the white bar comes up underneath it, almost like if you had an extra blank page underneath a word file. 

Any advice would be appreciated, or if this is a bug would anyone tell me where to report it.

2 Replies
Hello, probably just a cache related issue. Try signing out and back in manually (top right corner). If no change you can remove the desktop app cache. There are plenty guides for that if you're doing a search online. If you want to "hard reset" the app you can remove all the content in %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams and you can get there by just pasting that via Start and hit enter. A removal and re-installation is an option as well.

For reference https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/get-clients#windows
Works for me. Thanks!