Where do TEAMS fetch e-mail-addresses

Copper Contributor

Going into one of my teams and clicking "Add member". Here I can only add a member who is already on my team. If I click "Invite others" instead, I get 3 boxes: "Copy link", "Invite your contacts" or "Invite via email". Click on "Invite your contacts" and have to log into my MS account and then only get up to 4 people even though I have 192 in my Outlook / Contacts. Where are these sourced from? Not from the "email contact list".

2 Replies


Hurray! Now TEAMs have been updated so that I can choose between Outlook contacts or Google contacts. BUT I only get 4 out of 622 Google contacts. 

Det verkar ju vara värdelöst att vara med i denna frågelåda.

Det är ju ingen som kan svara på detta.

Finns det ingen som har djupare kunskap i MS TEAMS ??@Tompa49