Uploading Files: Selecting file to replace

Copper Contributor

Law practice and others require to send and receive new versiones of files uploaded in Teams. As to uploading new versiones received from external parties it would be positive if one could select the file to which upload the external file as new version. It is true that if the external file has the same nane as an existing file previously upload in Teams, this would be automatic. However, normally external ususers change the name, making necessary to rename the file, before uploading the file as a new version of an existing file in Teams. Furthremore, it would be positive if, in addition to allowing to select the file, it provides the option to upload as a new principal version with a description (eg client's version Agust 3rd).  

3 Replies

@Pablo Ruedaanyone at Microsift read this?


@Pablo Rueda Try checking out the file, and uploading a new version with exactly the same filename. In my experience, the link remains the same. 



This will work but I would prefer to right-click on file and upload new version from anywhere, without having to change the filename.  (This is how Google file versions used to work, and it was great!)