Jul 15 2019 08:12 AM
Environment: Teams Only Orgs across the board. Running Teams mobile app on Android. I am a "guest" in several clients' organizations.
I've found that when I try to switch orgs (by tapping on any of the orgs I'm a guest of under "Your Orgs" in the main app menu), the app flashes, seemingly attempting to authenticate me as a guest, and then just leaves me in the home org without switching. This is happening for all orgs for which I am a guest of - I cannot switch to any of them. I'm essentially stuck in my home org.
After a lot of trial and error to reproduce/isolate, I think I found the culprit. If my device is Azure-AD registered, then this issue occurs. If my device is *not* Azure-AD registered, I am able to switch orgs at will successfully.
This issue never occurs on the desktop app or the browser-version of the app - only on Android when the device is AAD registered. I've gone as far as trying this on 2 different phones, with 2 different accounts, and even did a factory reset of the phones.
Any kind souls out there willing to attempt to reproduce, before I get in touch with MS?
Thanks in advance,
Jul 16 2019 05:48 AM
Jul 16 2019 05:51 AM
Jul 16 2019 05:52 AM
@Rob Ellis Thanks Rob. I appreciate the info - I am not managed w/Intune - no MDM here for these test devices, so I will try that to see if it makes a difference.
Jul 21 2019 08:10 AM
@Rob Ellis I've narrowed my failure scenario further.
When I install the MS Authenticator app, and register my device through *that* app, the problem occurs. I can be registered as an Android Personal/BYOD with Intune, no problem. Android Enterprise/Work profile, no problem. But as soon as I install and register with the Authenticator app (via settings/Device Registration in the app) I'm no longer able to switch orgs in Teams. It might also be worth mentioning that I have MFA turned on/enforced for my primary identity.
Are you using the MSA app by chance, and is your device registered with it? What about MFA?
Thanks for your help,
Jul 24 2019 09:55 AM