Unable to get Call session details

Steel Contributor

Teams only Org, PSTN/Phone System/Calling plans. Using the Teams admin center, we've been unable to get call session details from any of our tenants/users for several days now.


Teams Admin Center-->Users-->(Select a user from list)-->Call History Tab-->(Select any call)


Browser window sits with a spinning icon and never returns results. Have tried different users, tenants, browsers, and LANS, both incognito/In Private and standard browsing modes. All in the Northeast US, if that matters. 


Especially frustrating, because we have several technical support incidents related to PSTN calling, and the support agent wants information from this area which we're therefore unable to provide. I've told the technical support agent(s) that this is not working...and the suggestion was to use In Private browsing. Is there anyone else that is having this problem?



1 Reply

@Bob Manjoney  I am unable to get user details for the sessions either. We are just testing before implementing.  It would be nice to know what is included in the details and if it gives me the information, such as who connected to the call externally.