Apr 26 2021 01:41 AM
I have a Microsoft tenant, Added the main domain. Created SBC for sip router. All working.
I added a second SBC on the same sip router. But at this time incoming calls to the second SBS don't work. I use a wildcard certificate for both SBC on the sip routers. But I can't see any logs about the second SBC, but I see logs about the first. Looks like teams don't send options to the second SBC.
Apr 26 2021 01:54 AM
Apr 26 2021 01:58 AM
Apr 26 2021 06:04 AM
Apr 26 2021 09:25 PM
@LinusCansby small clarification. Calls from teams to our SIP router work for both SBC. Outgoing from the SIP router to the teams work only for the first SBC.
In the teams administration console, the second SBC displays TLS inactive, and SIP options - No SIP OPTIONS.
Everything is fine with the first SBC. I tried deleting the SBC and adding a new one but in the opposite order. First after the second. Nothing has changed, the second SBC continued to be in such a state (inactive). As soon as I added the first one, it (first what have no problems) immediately assumed the active state.
In the logs of the SIP router, we do not see anything to the second SBC. But we see constant requests to the first SBC.
Yesterday we tried to split the SBC into different ports, but it was unsuccessful.
As I wrote above, the certificate for both SBCs is the same wildcard.
Apr 27 2021 07:07 AM
SolutionMay 01 2021 08:34 PM
May 03 2021 03:51 AM
May 03 2021 08:36 AM
@DmitryZhukovVVTI've not seen anything in the documentation that explicitly states you can only have one SBC per IP address, however it's easy for something like that to not be documented. While it might be an "easy question", other items factor into the answer, hence my additional questions. For example, if you have both SBCs behind a firewall, using different ports (say 5061 for sbc1 and 5067 for sbc2), are you sure the firewall rules allow access to both? Have you verified you are seeing traffic to both SBCs on the firewall (i.e. hit counts on the firewall rules are increasing for both)? Have you looked in the Teams Admin Center to see if any errors are listed?
May 03 2021 08:47 AM
May 03 2021 10:34 PM
May 22 2021 01:27 AM
Feb 24 2024 09:15 AM
Apr 27 2021 07:07 AM