Trying to Join Teams as a Guest User, stuck in infinite loop

Copper Contributor

I have a Work Office 356 subscription. Another organization has invited me as a guest to one of their teams. This is the first time I have attempted to use Teams. Here is what happens in both the Teams app and the Web app.

  1. I click on their invite in my email and It opens a web page which in turn redirects to the Apple Microsoft Teams app on my PC
  2. I log in
  3. I get a splash page that says "Welcome to Teams!", and below that is a drop down menu with one entry "[Correct entity](guest)" - note that by "[Correct Entity]" I mean the name matches the organization that invited me.
  4. I select that (just to make sure) and then hit "Continue"
  5. I get stranded for a long time on a page that says "We are switching you to your other account. It will just take a moment"
  6. It eventually comes to a page that says "Welcome to the [Correct Entity]!" and a single "Continue Button"
  7. I hit that... and return to step 6, infinitely

I have no idea what's causing this, but it starting to cause me major issue!
Can anyone help?

2 Replies

@ChrisMoore, we just started using Teams and still learning. I wonder if it is a setting that the site that invited you needs to change or possibly a setting in your Team environment that needs to change. I know Skype had a setting where the admin had to allow connections with other federated systems. I seem to recall something similar in Teams, but could not say for sure or where I saw the setting. It also does not make sense that it keeps cycling back to step six for you.


Assuming you can launch teams into your own tenant? A license and teams being enable are a pre req for joining and switching to guest tenants.

If you can. I would try accepting invite via a in private browser window by copying the URL. You may have to have the other org re invite you again.