The new Microsoft Teams desktop application for Windows x64 does not include the "Teams" icon,

Copper Contributor

The new Microsoft Teams desktop application for Windows x64 does not include the "Teams" icon,


As shown in the screenshots below, accessing the "new Microsoft Teams" leads to a non-desktop version that lacks the "Teams" icon.


Additionally, I couldn't discern the reason for the "Where do you want to start?" message prompt.


This situation is very confusing




3 Replies
What your screenshots show is not the app, is the WebApp!
You did not install Teams from an .exe file, what you have there is just a link to a browser window as the "(Shortcut)" in your first picture indicates.



It is .msix file downloaded from the official site


how to get the .exe?






I treid the home version but i couldn't figure out where the teams icon and i couldn't know how to access a meeting either from the link or ID\Passcode



