Teams webcam only works on full sccreen

Copper Contributor

Hey all,


After deleting cache/reinstalling/other webcam/other user/driver update it still doesn't work.


The problem is as when my colleague starts to call a co worker then his screen goes to black(in teams) and  when he clicks on full screen, than he can see  his co worker. so teams is only functional in full screen.


so that's  a srandomly bug by teams destroying our productivity which is quite annoying. I know one solutions and that's reinstalling(only solution in windows lol).


before reinstalling, i would like to ask if someone else have this problem, and what did you do to fix it?





1 Reply
I don’t know a way but I know several people have had this issue! I’ll raise this as a bug with the Teams team. I suggest you also send feedback about this to Microsoft