Teams Voice - New Music on Hold features ?

Copper Contributor

Hi Everyone,


I discovered new PowerShell commands that seems to be intended for handling customize music on hold.

I haven't seen anything in the Teams Voice Roadmap about this and no information about this PowerShell commands.


Also I don't know if this will be useful for Direct Routing, Calling Plan or Operator Connect


Does anyone have any information on this?



New-CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy / Get-CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy / Remove-CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy


Thanks for your help and informations.








1 Reply

Hi All,


Good news. It's now possible to use custom audio file as MOH (preview)


  1. Check TeamsCallingPolicy. Parameter MusicOnHoldEnabledType=Enabled (enabled by default)
  2. Load audio file using Import-CsOnlineAudioFile cmdlet and copy ID from the result
  3. Create new policy using New-CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy  cmdlet with ID file
  4. Assign to the users this policy using Grant-CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy cmdlet
  5. I had to wait until 48 hours (Music for Consult/Transfer in development)


Hope it's useful to you

