Teams status has been stuck on "In a call"

Copper Contributor

My MS Teams status has been stuck on "In a call" since yesterday. The client was reinstalled and the cache cleared but to no avail. I also tried office repair. At this point, I had already signed out of my mobile device. The taskbar shows "Microsoft Teams - on the phone". After changing the status (Available) manually it stays for 15 minutes then automatically it changes to "In a call".

8 Replies
Hello, what about Reset Status option under the user menu?
Hello, I tried reset option many times but status remain same ("in a call").
If you log off from any device that you have and then ask another person to see your status, what do they see?
It is same status (In a call).
In the end, I clicked "Signed out everywhere" on my account page.
The issue seems to have been resolved. I'll monitor for the next 24 hours.
Glad to hear!

@Arunabha2021 Where is this option?  I don't see it anywhere and Teams keeps thinking I'm in a call.