Teams Meeting (not Live Event) Q and A - anonymous?

Steel Contributor

Are there plans to either provide anonymous Q&A in the upcoming Teams Meeting Q&A app, or is there an API available to perhaps create a PowerApp that could send anonymous questions to the Q&A app? We'd really like to get away from Live Events for smaller events, but people really like the anonymous Q&A part of Live Events, so we're stuck using them until something better becomes available.

8 Replies

@David Phillips I came to ask the same question, and same scenario. 

@C_Bulmer Couple of work around ideas that I'm considering to solve this problem:  1)  You could instruct your participants who want to ask anonymous questions to join the meeting as a guest with a fake name via the Teams web interface; 2) You could create a Microsoft Forms form specifically for anonymous questions during meetings that doesn't collect submitter data and is therefor anonymous.

Hi @David Phillips, I am the Product Manager for Teams Q&A. We're building an anonymous posting feature that allows event organizers to enable/disable it in a particular meeting/event. 

@samsearth that's great to hear! Do you have an ETA for this? I can't see it in the M365 product roadmap

@samsearth some way to track this feature development would be appreciated as we're looking for this functionality in my organization as well. Thank you

Hello Mark, Teams Q&A is now Generally Available, and it includes anonymous posts. Please see more here . Thank you!
Hi aknight0, We will post information about new features on the Microsoft 365 roadmap - please search for teams Q&A
It's great that Teams Q&A now allows Anonymous posting. However, we have a very large user base and they still complain because reactions are not anonymous so they're pushing to use something like Polly instead because this allows anonymous likes/dislikes.
Shame because we're really trying to streamline apps support for our users but when the Microsoft built in apps fall short of user expectation, it drives them away to find alternative solutions.