Jan 28 2021 09:19 AM
Sometimes when I create meetings, Teams also invites other people who I have not invited.
For example, tomorrow I have organised a meeting for me and just one other person, yet I had an email from someone else letting me know they received an invite. I have checked the meeting and this other person is not listed on the invite lists, yet they received an invite.
I've had this issue before - there seems to be no reasoning behind who it selects either. It just 'chooses' a random member of our team (or sometimes a guest) and invites them along, without showing that they've been invited on my end. I therefore do not know who is receiving invites for private meetings i'm creating, and occasionally 'uninvited' people have turned up only to be told I didn't know they'd received an invite and they didn't need to attend.
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Many thanks!
Jan 28 2021 10:28 AM
Jan 28 2021 01:38 PM
Thank you so much for your prompt response @ChrisWebbTech, that makes perfect sense now and I will schedule the meetings through the calendar from now on.
Thanks again!
Mar 24 2021 11:27 AM
@ChrisWebbTech This seems like an extremely stupid implementation of meetings. Why even have "required" or "optional" attendees if everyone and their cousin from the team can join? I love putting meetings in channels as it allows the meeting notes to be tracked in the channel. especially with recurring team leads meetings then the meeting notes live in the appropriate channel.
Most people are normal and understand if you don't get an invite, you don't come, but random team members who's primary work is in other channels of the team still tend to show up every once in a while like I have personally summoned them. The baseline functionality of event invites is broken if you try to organize your meetings into their related channel. Which we should be encouraged to do, not discouraged from doing, especially if we use files/meeting notes.
Aug 16 2021 01:06 PM
@ChrisWebbTech: I've had this issue, as well. The meetings are scheduled through the outlook calendar. No teams channels have been tagged or added. And yet, random people are being invited. It has happened to myself and other colleagues. Anyone else having this happen to them?
Jan 06 2022 02:46 AM
Mar 03 2022 01:31 PM
@rosstom I also am coming across this same issue. A member from outside our org invited one of our members to their teams and another completely random member from within our org was also emailed and added to the meeting. Have you by chance figured out a solution or where the problem was coming from?
Mar 06 2022 06:17 AM
@ianhank2 I didn't i'm afraid. I did some manual diary tidy ups and will just switch back to working with shared calendars rather the groups
Jun 24 2022 07:57 AM
Same problem here, one and a half year later.
Mar 15 2023 03:45 PM
Jul 05 2023 07:38 AM
Jul 05 2023 07:57 AM
Jul 05 2023 09:05 AM
@Eric_Weller In this particular instance, I am emailing people's Gmail accounts, so this seems more like a feature of the program than a bug.
Jun 25 2024 02:48 PM
I've also seen this behaviour from Channel meetings, where I want the meeting to be open for people to join if they wish, but Teams add people explicitly to the meeting that have not opted in. I don't set the meeting to invite the channel members, yet it continually adds people as optional that have not added the meeting to their calendar.
IMO this is a serious bug that needs to be resolved.