Teams filing

Copper Contributor
  • Each time someone sends a file in a chat it is automatically saved in the Files tab, so it is automatically backed up too. where does the master document sit? Is what is saved in the OneDrive account just a link or a copy? How does the versioning work please?
2 Replies
Hi @LD_specialist

It is stored in SharePoint

In the File tab, you should see a menu item called Open in SharePoint, if you click that you will go through to the underlying Sharepoint Site. This is used for documents that people collaborate on together. The department handbook is a good example of a document which would up in the Teams file tab, and to which people can see and work on together.

Personal files, those you share 1:1 would go in OneDrive. OneDrive is a part of SharePoint but is a seperate service for personal files

Teams sits on top of both SharePoint and OneDrive so you can access both files that multiple people work with and collaborate on (SharePoint) and your own personal files (OneDrive)

Versioning can be enabled in SharePoint - see here

Hope that answers your question

Best, Chris