Teams External Federation and Presence Privacy



Teams external federation allows users to chat with people in other Microsoft 365 tenants. External participants can see presence data unless you suppress it by running the Set-CsPrivacyConfiguration cmdlet to put the tenant into “privacy mode.” The policy affects everyone in the tenant and there’s no way to apply privacy mode to selected users.

2 Replies

thank you for your post Tony
by the way, do you know what's the update in

I think your post explains the fuction in this roadmap is already there since long time ago "Easily start a group Teams call with federated colleagues outside your organization, including video and screensharing, all over an internet connection without any PSTN usage charges."

my assumption is may this update is about "Easily"&"PSTN", even I don't know what's the easily means here, and I don't find anything about group Teams call related to PSTN currently even we don't have the update yet

The function I described in the post has existed for a long time. I just never paid much attention to it until recently. The feature described in MC496927 implies that Teams will allow a group meeting to start from a group chat, even when a federated participant is present. We'll see what it does when the software arrives.