Teams call popup displays AA not CQ

Copper Contributor

For a long time the popup for an incoming call displayed the Call Queue that the call is ringing for. In the past week this has changed to the Auto Attendant where the call originated. This is a problem for us because we use AA menu options (press "1" for urgent, press "2" for normal) which divert to an "Urgent" Call Queue and a "Normal" Call Queue. Because the Call Queue no longer displays on the popup, the agents don't know which calls are urgent. 


Did this happen for a reason? Is there a way to change it so that the CQ displays? 



7 Replies
we using several AA and CQ´s but it still displayed the CQ to the agent in the MS Teams .
If it was showing the AA it would be a mess, you are right.
We are having this issue also ,calls displaying the AA and not the cq they have been routed to.
so would like to echo Dave4's question Did this happen for a reason? Is there a way to change it so that the CQ displays?
This has stopped happening for us, the Call Queue is now displaying again.

We were having this issue too, which resolved around the 01-Feb. Microsoft support said it wasn't to do with them. It's happening again for us as of today, and it looks like others have been seeing it for a few days again (for example

Yep, it is happening for us again now as well, for the past few days.
yes happening again for us too
Did this ever get fixed?