Team site migration

Copper Contributor



We are planning to migrate our SharePoint site in the new year, and are wondering how this effects Team Sites. Documentation is not clear on what data this includes or if this means I would be be able to restore the channels and structure that we currently have in our new tenet - it would make sense that I would but want to be 100% sure.


1 - What Teams Data is transferred with the Team Site (files, convo history, etc)?

2 - When a Teams Site is migrated does it automatically restore in Teams or are there additional steps required?

2 Replies

@that_1_IT_guy I think this needs more info. For now If the team exists and so the SharePoint site it will restore the files to that site. NOT the conversations etc from a team.


And this all depends of your tooling etc. so would need more info on your migration tooling setup governance etc.



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