Students message me as soon as I enter teams.

Copper Contributor

I am a teacher.  I have noticed that as soon as I log into teams, students know somehow.  They send me messages, "Hi Mme. How are you?" etc I would like to know why this is happening, and if I can change the setting so this does not notify when I am online or not.


The students messaging me are not even in my class, they are former students.... Not sure what is showing up on their end or how they are notified I am online, but I would like to change this!

3 Replies
Presence is a feature of Teams. Change it to offline if you desire.
I have the setting to "Appear Offline" Thank you! However I am still curious, how do they immediately see it, I never receive notifications when people are online? I am wondering if perhaps there is somewhere you see who in your network is online or not? It was just a bit bizarre for me, I did notice in the message options someone could request to be notified each time a person they messaged comes online.... I am not sure if this student requested that notification, glad to "appear offline" and avoid students having the power to see when I am online or not, and constantly send me messages when I log in!
There is a People Notification feature for that..Go to Teams settings --> Notifications --> People , and select the people you want to be notified for their presence availability.