Still very much unable to remove myself from an organisation on MS Teams

Copper Contributor

Can someone please help or show me how to remove myself from an organisation I no longer want to be in my drop down menu? I have included screen shots for reference... I have tried all the recommended ie logging on to and etc...

I have clicked "Leave organisation" but literally nothing happened except the page reloads itself...


edited out my company's name for privacy purpsoesedited out my company's name for privacy purpsoes

1 Reply

Hello, here is Ahmed a Community Visitor :)

-Please follwo this thread:
- leave the Org. > if nothing happens please send me more screenshots to uderstand it better it may be you already left this Org and you need to delete Teams Cha
-Quit Teams
- in this path > %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams > delete the folder content

-*Pear in mind please that after leaving the Org. it takes sometimes 30 days and more to be hard deleted!

thanks :)