Service error 'Unknown' when attempting to send a (non-reply) message

Copper Contributor


I am using the Bot Framework Rest API with Node. I am successfully sending reply messages upon a user sending a message (in MS Teams).

I am now trying to start a conversation and send a message, to which the response comes back successful, with a conversation id.
( POST /v3/conversations returns me an id - great!)

Then, I try to send a message to that conversation id and I keep getting Service error 'Unknown'. I have tried everything..

Get token function (works fine)

Create a conversation (works fine)

Using the conversationId above, send a message (Not working):

I am following the documentation provided:

Step 1, create a conversation:

Step 2, send message using conversation id from above:


4 Replies

I see my formatting is really bad! I kind of copy pasted the content.

Here is a second go at it:

I am using the Bot Framework Rest API with Node. I am successfully sending reply messages upon a user sending a message (in MS Teams) - but my goal is to send a message to a user without the user messaging the bot.


I have read through proactively sending a message through the Graph API but it seems there is no REST API for it ( dissappointed :( ).


Do you know why this error is happening where I am getting service error 'unknown'? I attached screenshots on this Github issues post, sorry for external linking but it's a bunch of screenshots..