Send a message to all users (like a broadcast)

Brass Contributor

I would like to inform our users about very urgent things (ie please disconnect from the system), and the best way to do that would be to send a chat message to all of them maybe via powershell or graph api?


Is there currently a way to do that?

I know I could create an ORG wide group and post in there...


20 Replies

@Christopher Hoard Is the Company Communicator free? I noticed it is asking for App Service and Service Bus subscriptions, paid services on top of our Office 365 subscription (E5) or pay-as-you-go. 


Does it cost to send each broadcast message? 


I like the use cases, but the complex setup process puts me off. 


I proposed this to the team, but they were wondering if everyone can have permission to post, with a select few having to approve the message before the message gets sent to all users.

For example - The lift is not working; Organisational survey; Team announcements;