Recurring meeting in Teams every 2 weeks

Copper Contributor


I need help how to set up recurring meeting in Teams.

Morning and afternoon meetings that are changing every 2 weeks, first 2 weeks is in the same day, same time, then next 2 weeks is same day different time. ex: Monday from 8:00 am to 8:35am for 2 weeks, then the next 2 weeks is on Monday from 1:30 pm to 2:05 pm. And this is for the all year, 6 months etc.


1 Reply
Can't do that with a single reoccurrence,

I'd keep things simple and setup 4 meetings (1 for each time/week slot) that reoccur every 4 weeks so Monday morning week 1, Monday morning week 2, Monday afternoon week 3, Monday after week 4.

If you need them to appear more joined together, then keep the subject the same and maybe even go as far as creating a channel for this meeting and create the meeting from the channel instead