Re-use breakout rooms over multiple meetings

Copper Contributor



Would be great for Microsoft to add a feature to breakout rooms so that the same rooms can be used over multiple meetings as long as it is still within the same team (especially if it can pick up the same breakout room chat).

It would also be awesome to be able to pre-create breakout room 'sets' with different room configurations.
E.g. 'Writing Groups' with members assigned to breakout room group 1, 2, 3, etc.

'Reading Groups' with a different configuration of rooms.


'Project X' groups and 'Cool use for business so that it hits Microsoft's radar' groups.

2 Replies

@molleredu Hello, there's already room assignment retention that provides the ability to persist room configuration and assignment over multiple sessions. Unless the organizer manually unassigns people from their breakout rooms, the same rooms and room assignments will be available for the next meeting.


A new breakout room assignment experience is available as part of the public preview program too. To get access to this and other upcoming features you can ask your IT admin for help assigning this policy to you. See below roadmap for GA.


Use breakout rooms in Teams meetings (

Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs



New assignment experience in modal window for Breakout Rooms

Breakout Room pre-meeting room creation and participant assignment



This does not seem to be the case when I scheduled a meeting, created rooms, and created another meeting the week after. I still need to click on create rooms.