"The paramter is incorrent" error in new Teams client (VDI)

Copper Contributor



We have a serious issue with the new Teams client in our VDI (Horizon) environment. After running fine for a while (can be multiple hours up to days) Teams crashes / vanishes with the following error.




We suspect it might happen during an automatic update. The same error is displayed when trying to launch ms-teams.exe from that path manually. This never happened with classic Teams. We have no idea what causes this and how to fix it, any help is appreciated.

20 Replies

I have the exact same problem with a client, I've tried erasing all that has to do with teams and reinstalling but still get the same error, the old teams works fine. @MTU42 

Thanks @stajl, at least we're not alone 😉 Unfortunately we didn't find a solution yet, maybe someone else has an idea.
Unfortunately we still didn't find any solution. Does no one else have this issue?
We also have this issue. Will try reinstalling it to see if it helps. We use this for our VDI environment so I won't have an answer right away.
I hope this helps. The reinstall didn't work but here's what I discovered:
Launching the ms-teams.exe file in c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_23320.3021.2567.4799_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe works. However, in order for this to work I have to change the permissions for WindowsApps to give users read/execute permissions. This required changing the ownership away from TrustedInstaller. Launching the new Teams shortcut in the Start Menu didn't work. Creating a new shortcut from the WindowsApps path works.

I haven't put this into production as it's just part of my troubleshooting. I realize changing ownership and resetting permissions isn't ideal or an option for some. But I hope it sheds light into the root of the issue.
Thank you @jcarbajal

Do you also use FSLogix by any chance?

@MTU42 I do, but I we use Citrix. We tested this with and without folder mirroring, and there seems to be an issue with my inclusions when I use mirroring. So I have to sort it out and I wouldn't say this is an FSlogix issue.

@MTU42 We do use FSLogix, but we are not including Teams in that container, just Outlook and OneDrive. I believe this has to do with our Citrix profile exclusions. 

@jcarbajal Any news after reinstalling?

I had to reinstall the OS then the problem did not come back @Prcontr 

The reinstall didn't work. In our particular situation, our profile solution from Citrix was causing the issue.
In order to address this problem at the root, we recommend the upcoming FSLogix HF4 release

and if you are using Citrix, the CPM 2402 release.


Hey Guys,


I've been trying to debug this this for WEEKS. At some point I certain that I've had surfed EVERY page on the web, but nobody came up with a fix that solved this problem in my envoiroment . Finally, just today, I managed to solve the problem for good.

My Users got exactly this error when tying to start the New Teams Client:


We are using a Remote Desktop Session Host envoiroment (RDSH, a.k.a. Terminalserver, operating on Windows Server 2022 (but I had the same error prior the InPlace-Upgrade on Server 2019), however we are NOT using FSLgix, like a hundred other buddys i found out there on the web, trying to solve this problem (apperantly they solved their problems by upgrading FSLogix).


My solution may sound stupid, but works 100% for two ADs that i manage. So... "If it's supid, but it works: It ain't stupid" 😉


In the end, the problem was caused by a GPO. I was able to solve the issue by adjusting this user-trageted GPO:


User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Internet Settings > Internet Explorer 10 > (Tab: General) > (Section Browsing history) > Settings. Here, my users hat an alternative path for their TEMP-Files:



I updated this setting by removing the path and leaving the setting blank:




I saved the GPO and as soon as my users logged in, the New Teams Client started like nothing ever happened.


Surely, I didn't go for this setting in the first place, but I found out that RDSH-Users without GPO could start the New Teams Client, users with a GPO assigned could not. So I narrowed it down, by cloning my PROD-GPO, assigning the Clone to a test user. Then I removed GPO-settings from the Clone bit by bit until I had a working New Teams - until finally, I narrowed it down to THIS specific setting.


I have no idea, why this setting is responsible for causing the problem, but after weeks of frustration, I only care for the problem to be finally fixed. All my >250 RDSH-Users are able to use the New Teams Client now.

EDIT: For everyone who is facing the same problem: My problem might have been caused in the first place by a registry setting, that we had in one of our user GPOs. This Registry-Setting is basically the same like the Internet Explorer 10 setting mentioned above. So if your system has the same issues like mine, it's work checking this setting too: User Configuration > Settings Registry



It had nothing to do with FSLogix. Citrix accelerated folder mirroring was the culprit.
I was able to fix the problem by adjusting Temp Folders Policy setting for the FSLogix profile container. If you don't redirect the INetCache, it seems to work.

Iam still facing issues with the Teams UWP app shortcut in startmenu.


W2019 RDSH. FSLogix 2210 HF4 with correct exclusions in redirection.xml. Internetoptions in place like described by ehm-weh. No redirection of INetCache in place. No Citrix UPM. NTFS security settings on C:\Programs\WindowsApps are correct (same as in a know-good environment). AllowAppInstallation etc. has been set (via GPO and via Registry prior Teams Installation).


Iam still getting ms-teams.exe: parameter is incorrect on all existing user profiles when using the UWP shotcut in the startmenu. Also on new user profiles. Also after a complete uninstall and reinstall of Teams. Teams on RDS is a real pita... 


Any ideas? I sure can place an additional shortcut into the startmenu / on the desktop which points to ms-teams.exe and it will work fine. Thats kind of a workaround. BUT: That faulting UWP shortcuts also stays in the startmenu. My guess is that something goes wrong when the Teams app registers itself, but I cannot seem to get my hand on "why". 

best response confirmed by MSFT_FerK (Microsoft)
Can you try modifying redirections.xml file in your existing FSLogix implementation, and add a new exclusion for the StartMenuExperienceHost TempState data.

<Exclude Copy="0">AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState</Exclude>
I can happily report, that this Exclusion resolved my issues. Thank you very much, this one was bugging me! 🙂
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by MSFT_FerK (Microsoft)
Can you try modifying redirections.xml file in your existing FSLogix implementation, and add a new exclusion for the StartMenuExperienceHost TempState data.

<Exclude Copy="0">AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState</Exclude>

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