Jun 16 2022 04:36 AM
A couple of attendees sit in the same room
One in room talk
The other person physically in the same room should not hear the person in their headset, because they already hear it physically.
There are several solution to solve this problematic which is why, I did not come with a ready solution. I let you find perform the Ux work to find the better one. I add below a couple of idesas which is not to be seen as exhaustiv list of solutions!
Some ideas (with +/- reflexion):
Jun 16 2022 07:00 AM
It's a suggestion we've seen before in this thread, please vote for it on the feedback portal as per the original thread https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams/allow-muting-a-person-only-for-me/m-p/3286181...
I would add that in your solutions you've only considered the audio experience, there is also the mic to consider. If both people in the room had unmuted mics the speech would be picked up twice, there could also be feedback due to a speaker and mic in the same area but across devices. A tricky problem.
Microsoft's current recommendation would be that your room had a Teams Room System which would act as the sole mic and speakers, and your attendees can join from their laptops with muted mic and speakers if they want to share or view content.
Jun 16 2022 09:11 AM - edited Jun 16 2022 09:19 AM
Thank you. I voted there, mark your response as best response and will close this ticket to avoid duplicates.
Quick replies to your remark (do not take it negatively or personally, I want to enhance your use case with some problematic for the global reflection):
Jun 16 2022 01:45 PM
Jun 16 2022 07:00 AM
It's a suggestion we've seen before in this thread, please vote for it on the feedback portal as per the original thread https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams/allow-muting-a-person-only-for-me/m-p/3286181...
I would add that in your solutions you've only considered the audio experience, there is also the mic to consider. If both people in the room had unmuted mics the speech would be picked up twice, there could also be feedback due to a speaker and mic in the same area but across devices. A tricky problem.
Microsoft's current recommendation would be that your room had a Teams Room System which would act as the sole mic and speakers, and your attendees can join from their laptops with muted mic and speakers if they want to share or view content.