Private Teams Meeting

Iron Contributor

We have identified an issue where we have product meetings which have a limited audience but there doesnt seem to be an option to stop users from inviting users to the meetings. We had hoped that the option to stop users forwarding the meeting would work but this only works before the meeting. During the meeting any user on the call can invite another user and they can join the call. 


The reporting on the meeting is also providing some false information. For example, if a user is added to the call but they dont answer the reporting will say that the user joined the meeting so the moderator has no way of maintaining the participants on the call. 


Is there a better way of have a teams meeting which is private to only the users invited and nobody else. Would a meeting in a private channel work?


Any ideas would be appreciated. 



1 Reply

@Dhiran Gajjar Hello, I would like to suggest that you start by looking at the info here and then select the appropriate meeting options.


Lobby settings

Change participant settings for a Teams meeting - Office Support (


Teams roles

Roles in a Teams meeting - Office Support (


New setting coming!

Microsoft Teams: New Lobby Setting: Only Invited Users join directly

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