Participant requesting Host for the Meeting to be Recorded

Copper Contributor


I would like to request for a feature which will allow a participant to request for recording of the meeting when the participant is invited for the meeting and is not able to make it because of another meeting clash/time zone difference etc. If any of the participants have requested for recording, the host shall be notified when the meeting starts. Please let me know if there is a feature of this sort or can this be looked at.




2 Replies
Hi! The meeting can be fetched from the chat afterwards by attendees or people specifically invited!

If this isn’t enough you can request features on uservoice:

Adam, The recording can be accessed if someone (either the host or another participant attended the meeting) has recorded the session. The feature I was looking for is when a participant while responding to the meeting invite, requests (Tentative response for the meeting) the host to record the session and this notification is provided to the Host before start of the meeting so that he/she knows a participant who was invited to the meeting couldn't join and has requested the session to be recorded.
let me know if this feature is available, if not I will raise this in uservoice as you said.
