Need a help to figure out if there is a way to prevent MS Flow “Custom Responses - Wait for all resp

Steel Contributor

We have the following "Custom Responses - Wait for all responses" action inside MS Flow:-




Where we are attaching a file to the response email >> now the email which will be sent will contain the attachment which is fine >> but the notification which will be shown inside the MS Teams will not contain the attachment...

so i have the following 2 questions:-

  1. how we can attach the attachment to the notification which will be sent to MS Team?

  2. if point-1 can not be achieved >> then can we prevent the above "Custom Responses - Wait for all responses" from sending notification to MS Teams and only send a normal notification by email?





i found that inside MS Teams i have the ability to turn approval notification off as follow:-




so can we proceed with this setting?

2 Replies

@adam deltinger @john john 

I haven't played with that setting in particular yet. I have to take a look at that but I'd say that allows you to turn off notifications for announcements in Teams.


Have you considered using a link to the file, instead of attaching the actual file? The file would be in a SharePoint library and you just reference to that in the approval Flow? That would give you benefits for manipulating the file after the approval (locking it down, making it a record, moving to other location etc) instead of having to carry the actual file in approval process. And those file links appear in Teams Approval as well.