MS-Teams Graph | listing all callID's or the call history of a member | call duration

Copper Contributor

dear wonderful people ,

for a small intern project I want to implement the call duration of the ms-teams into the customer relationship management system database - I don't manage to list all  callID's to then get the startDateTime & endDateTime of the microsoft.graph.callRecords segment.

- what is the most convenient way to get the list of all user IDs of my organization?
- how do I get the list of all call IDs?
- how do i get all call durations or the call history of a member?
- how do I subscribe to an update for each call made by a user in the group?
- how do I write the session data to the database?

Thank you to anyone who can help me. I have been dealing with this for a while and am currently trying to find a solution with CQD and PowerBiConnect. Im willing to pay a pocketmoney of 100-150€ or more for a working solution proposal and the willingness for light verbal support if I can't get the implementation right.

Greetings from Germany

2 Replies
well you need to have a subscription first ...

so that you get notified whenever a call happened.
the subscription gives you then the callID which you use in the getcallrecordes rest api call

Hi Stefan, you have other method for take the calls record without use subscribe to change notifications?