Microsoft Teams - Dokumente in App öffnen

Copper Contributor
Wenn ich auf den Button ‚in Desktop App öffnen‘ klicke in Microsoft Teams, öffnet sich nur ein Fenster, bei dem ich mich anmelden muss. Nachdem ich das mache, öffnet sich aber nicht das bestimmte Dokument, welches in Bearbeiten möchte.
7 Replies
Are you login in with the same account in office apps as in Teams? What document do open?
I don’t know if it’s related but I’ve had issues with documents opening at all in desktop apps from teams and SharePoint lately

No, it isnt the same account, but 1 week ago it worked. Ive updateded the office version..
Is it the same if you try open it from SharePoint?
yes its the same doc. But i have problems with all the documents (powerpoint, word, excel,...)

When I click on it, a window appears where I have to log in. When I log in, the PowerPoint window opens normally, but not the file.

best response confirmed by Christopher Hoard (MVP)
I'd recommend to send feedback about this through the app! (Help -> Feedback)
is it the same when you try to open the file from SharePoint?
yes, the same
I'd look around and report
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Christopher Hoard (MVP)
I'd recommend to send feedback about this through the app! (Help -> Feedback)
is it the same when you try to open the file from SharePoint?

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