Microsoft Teams and Rate my calls

Bronze Contributor


Dummy question, how to control "Rate my call" on Teams? Currently I have the following:

PS C:\> Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity global | fl rate*

RateMyCallDisplayPercentage : 0
RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback : False


But still Teams is asking to rate the calls.


Documents says of "Rate my Calls" says: "is automatically configured to be displayed to the participant after one in every 10 calls, or 10 percent" but says nothing about modifying that.

2 Replies

It's not controlled by the policy unfortunately, go vote on UserVoice to have Microsoft support toggling it off:


Thank you @Vasil Michev for sharing this. User Voice seems to not working, over 12 months old idea and still less than 60 votes. Most likely Teams' product groups does not even see that yet.


It is funny that there is such a policy, but obviously that is only for Skype online, and after 2021 that policy might be gone as well.