Meeting Quality

Steel Contributor

Hi all,


Most of our staff are working from home using Teams. A few of them have reported issues with the quality of the meeting. This can be intermittent. E.g our CEO meeting went fine last week. This week the audio and video quality was really poor.


Is there anything I can check? Staff aren't on a VPN while connecting, so it's a connection via their ISP to Teams.

1 Reply

@David Gorman I was seeing poor video quality over the past few weeks.  Yesterday I updated my client hoping for the new meeting features (they aren't there yet) and noticed that my video quality had returned to normal.  I had never made any video setting changes, same camera, same equipment.  I'm not sure why a client update would have fixed my video quality, but if you run an update wondering if it fixes it for you.  If you're at the latest version, maybe try uninstall / reinstall or clearing out your Teams cache folders.