Dec 01 2020 11:36 PM
Hello, I couldn't find any topic discussing this topic, so I've posted it here and hope someone has had similar needs or used something similar.
Options/Solutions I have been thinking of include:
I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has experience implementing something similar, or just has any ideas in general.
Thanks for reading.
Dec 03 2020 10:18 PM
There have been no answers yet, but I thought I should update this for if someone else is looking at doing something similar - and hopefully get a few constructive comments. Also, I'm okay with talking to myself 🙂
I have been thinking of two possible ways to do this:
1. User input via Forms
I'll use 'Forms for Excel' through OneDrive to create the input form. I'll do this through OneDrive so that the spreadsheet of data updates automatically.
What I would then like to happen is that when students press Submit, an automatic study plan will be generated and sent to them through email or Teams. This would be my next problem as there would be multiple plans depending on the students' choices.
2. Second possible method:
Make a user input form and use the OFFSET function so students will make their own study plan choices. This is then saved to a spreadsheet and the student report emailed or sent through Teams.
The positive aspect of this method is that students will create their own finished plan.
One negative with this is that Microsoft seems to have removed the functions on Mac computers for user-made forms (ie not made through the Forms app).
This is enough rambling for now. Thanks for reading.
Aug 19 2024 02:16 AM