Logging in allowed only for devices in the company's domain violates the principle of cybersecurity

Copper Contributor

Yours sincerely,


After having your services for more than 5 years, I see how a bad business decision that was the adjustment so that only computers in domain can log in has affected hundreds of employees where:


1. It violates the compatibility between browsers, example Google Chrome (Toca add an extension and by policies we can not). Making it a nightmare to work every day because edge consumes 50% of the ram memory and the other 50% goes to google chrome because we do not intend to abandon our favorite browser.


2. It violates the availability because as you understand the corporate computers are blocked more frequently, they are already slower due to daily activities and 60% or more of the messages that we answer via MS Teams and emails are timely and immediate data that we answer in a few seconds from the mobile. Now it's from the computer where it takes us maybe 5 to 20 minutes.


3. You are co-responsible for putting in the hands of domain administrators, tools that violate your principles, you sell a tool that apparently is multiplatform (Windows, Apple, Android, IOS) and multi-browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari) and when it is configured in the best way it turns out to be only one device and one browser .... These configurations that moved our administrators must be controlled so that they do not affect mobile devices and if it affects them, and if it affects them, force them to renew the service contract indicating the limitations, and highlighting that the company will lose productivity, because reversing this change that has been made will take months between approvals and others.


4. Finally, when applying this configuration, the sessions continue to remain open on the mobiles and when accessing them outlook keeps going round and round, trying to log in, then slamming shut and reopening the session window. The same thing happens in microsoft teams. It is important that as they release new features they test the adjacent components.


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