Feb 10 2021 10:19 AM
On a Mac. Catalina 10.15.4
So if i get message notification in the upper right and click it, Teams opens a full screen window. I go and resize to the proper (smaller) size. If I close and reopen, it goes full screen again! If i minimize and click the icon in the dock, it opens at the size i had it before minimizing. If a notification message comes in the upper right and I click it, it goes full screen again! This only happened on the install two days ago. My install from 6months ago untill last week (regularly updating) never had this issue. Any advice to get the screen to stay smaller size I want it to be?
NOTE, this is not related to the "Toggle Full Screen" option. This is technically not "Full screen" but rather gives a window that takes up the full space of the monitor being used (happens to be my laptop screen size)
Mar 03 2021 11:15 AM
Mar 26 2021 10:21 AM
Apr 08 2021 01:10 AM
Apr 15 2021 08:18 PM
Apr 20 2021 07:37 AM
Apr 26 2021 06:46 PM
Jul 15 2021 09:49 PM
Jul 16 2021 06:40 AM
@Dilemma_RK Glad you figured that out, maybe that action is not as well known as I would think it was. But that is not a solution to the problem posed. The problem is that Teams first opens in full screen mode, necessitating extra user action such as you mention. Many of us find that an annoyance. Teams used to open back up in whatever state it had been closed, instead of always opening in full screen, and we would like to get Teams working in a way so that we do not have to do Alt+Space, Enter, and then mouse around to properly resize the window each and every time we open Teams. Thanks.
Feb 17 2023 03:10 AM