How to forward calls but have Caller ID as us?

Brass Contributor

We've engaged a third-party company to handle our after-hours support. What they've requested is that we forward calls to a specific number from them, but they have also asked that the calls show as if they're coming from us so that they can tell how they should answer the phone before they answer it.


I've set up an "Emergency Contact" user and have set the call forwarding on that to go to the 3rd party vendor, however, the caller ID remains as the customers that originally called in, it does not get changed to our caller ID. How can I change it so that it forwards to the 3rd-party company the same each time?

1 Reply

@Adrian VanderLaan If you are using Direct Routing you might be able to do some message manipulation in the SBC to include your number as p-asserted-identity. Your number is not included in INVITE that is sent out from Teams. The only numbers that are included are the A-number (From) and the number you are forwarding to (To).