How to create a chat of students who have NOT completed their assignment

Copper Contributor

Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong group, or embarrassingly easy (am new to MS Teams)

I have submitted an assignment for my class, and I would like to contact those who have NOT done to chase them.

Is there a better way than manually creating a group in Chat (is that what you call a channel?) and copying their emails one by one?

Is there a way to send a follow up message (email or other) and chase?

Thank you in advance

7 Replies



Hi, may I answer your question with another question please?  :smile:


How did you assign the work to the students, and how do you know who has completed the task?


In this lock down period, I assign a "quiz" to all my classes. To do so, I create the quiz in forms, and then I assign it to me class in Teams 

In Teams:

Assignment -> choose the class -> Create -> Quiz (then I choose the quiz I created in forms).

So I know who has done it by going back to assignment and clicking on the quiz. It shows me the list of members (my students, status, feedback and scores). Students who have not returned their quiz appear as "viewed" or "not turned in".

Does this help?



OK, so are the classes setup as Teams Channels?


How is the Quiz created?  Is it a Teams App?

I am not what "teams channel" means, sorry.

Basically, in MS Teams, I have created a number of Teams with all my students in each team.


To create the quiz, I use MS Forms (one of the app on MS Office), and I set it as an assignment in Teams (when I select Assignment > Create > Quiz in Teams, it gives me the list of MS Form quiz I have created in Forms, so I just select the correct quiz).





So sorry, it's only just occurred to me that Education Teams differs from Regular Teams in functionality.  I've not had the chance to become familiar with Teams for Education just yet I'm afraid, but perhaps you will find some guidance that may help you on these pages?


@PeterRising, thank you for your help.

I checked these sites and have not found an answer, and I have asked many colleagues but no one has been able to do it either. Maybe the functionality is not there.

It’s certainly not something that will be simple and just present in Teams. I wondered if a Power Automate may work but I’m really not sure.