how to allocate tasks with privacy

Copper Contributor

May i ask how can i allocate tasks to some members/e-mails without other members seeing those tasks?

i've found that when i allocate a task to one member, he can see all other tasks for other members.


and i'm still confused with way should i do it. thourgh "planner" or "to do"?

4 Replies

Hi @danielma_te,

There are several ways you can assign tasks to people in Planner.


To allocate tasks to some members/e-mails without other members seeing those tasks?


please explore the link below to help you further:




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Thanks but how does this link is relevant for my question?



I am an independent advisor answering questions.


With careful planning, you can successfully share tasks privately. Here are a couple of suggestions. (They are not perfect, but they may work for you.)


Planner: I use Planner for my more significant and long-term projects. However, I've noticed that it's impossible to share individual tasks with others; only the entire Planner can be shared. All members will be able to view the tasks in Planner and appear in the assigned person's "Assigned to Me" section within the ToDo App. If you have private tasks, you'd like to share with a person; I suggest providing feedback to Microsoft about this feature. It would be a great addition to the app! Feel free to share the link with others in this thread so they can vote.




To-Do App.

Like Planner, you can assign tasks to individuals, but all members will see the tasks within a shared Task list. Here is a workaround.


Let's say you are responsible for YouTube Content and have several team members. You can create a Task Group (YT Content Group) for all related Tasks lists. The Task Group will help you stay organized. 


Then create Task lists and drag them into the Task Group. In this scenario, I made task lists that all members can see (Content Planning & Content Creation) and specific member task lists (Raymond YTC & Adele YTC) that I will only share with the person. Notice I added a project reference by the person's name in the title. This method will be helpful if you have multiple projects with private lists.)


Create a Task List & Task Group 








When a person is assigned to a task, the task will appear in their own MyDay, Planned, All, & Tasks system task list. It's worth noting that Assigned to Me is reserved for Planner items only and not To-Do items. 


In Outlook for the Web, you can drag an email to a designated Task list for easy assigning tasks.  See the image below.





Again, this structure is not perfect by any means and maybe not be a workaround solution if you have a lot of team members or private tasks. Try this out. Let me and others know if this works for you. 


If you find this information helpful, please mark it as the best answer, which will help others with the same question.


