How do I integrate an already created wiki into a custom tab within a personal app?

Copper Contributor


I am currently trying to implement a wiki already created in a team into a personal app. The wiki consists of several .mht files, which are automatically sorted into a tree structure by the wiki tab and stored in the teams sharepoint.
I have access to all files and now I want to integrate them into a custom tab (in a personal app) in the style of the wiki tab (as within teams).
Unfortunately, as far as I know, only URLs can be included as custom tabs within Visual Studio code. If I specify the link to a .mht file, it cannot be displayed. If I link the folder with all .mht files, they are only displayed to me as a list in the sharepoint and not with the desired tree structure.
What are the possibilities to call the wiki page with the tree structure as URL?


Many greetings and thanks in advance



Here are a few pictures to explain the problem

how it looks at the moment when i link the whole wiki in the custom tabhow it looks at the moment when i link the whole wiki in the custom tabthis is how the normal wiki looks and how it should be displayedthis is how the normal wiki looks and how it should be displayedhow it looks at the moment when i link a single mht file in the custom tabhow it looks at the moment when i link a single mht file in the custom tab

1 Reply

Hello @max_p_   This article may not directly answer your question but you can post a comment on this unverified resource site and the blogger would probably answer it. Microsoft Teams: Working with the Wiki Tab - CGNET