Having a British Sign Language (BSL) feed into a Live event

Copper Contributor

We will be hosting a Live Event where some of the audience are going to be Deaf.  Is there a way of having  two speakers visible at the same time in a Live event so that the BSL interpreter is visible at all times and the other speakers are bought up onto the screen as needed?  Any advice or best practise would be welcome.



6 Replies
No unfortunately not you can only see one presenter at a time. Although you can accomplish this by using a third-party encoder or just push the stream through a third party software like OBS. There is a lot of guides and YouTube videos out on the Internet how to accomplish this


I believe that you can, but you have to perform the video mixing yourself and use this as the video feed into Teams. Look into how this would be solved as a podcaster.


And as was already mention, look at the automatic captioning, which probably works as well as many interpreters, but you do have the issue with the different in English and ASL languages. So it may not work as well with older viewers as younger ones.

@LindseyA   Thanks, I will take a look :smile:

Theres no split screen. Just a queue screen and live screen. As I mentioned and others too, a third party tool and then feed into the Live event.

Thanks @adam deltinger.  If we were working in our offices it would be easy as we have the encoder but alas it is a challenge when working from home.  Will have a look at the third party software to see whether that opens up an opportunity.  Thanks for responding :)