Getting Started with MS Teams

Copper Contributor

I want to set up MS Teams so that 3 people can collaborate virtually.  The intended workflow would be to set up Bing News (In Teams) so that selective topics are pushed to a channel of the Team.  Teams then notifies the 3 members that a new post has been registered.  The 3 members of the team can then hold Video calls, audio calls and discuss via 'chat'. 

Having downloaded MS Teams on the PCs and Phones we have only managed to setup a team and text each other via Chat.  The idea was we would use Bing News to post content to the channel when it pops up.  Then Teams would notify all 3 members that new content is available. This is proving super difficult.  

When we find Bing News in the Apps.  we can click "Add to a team". This brings up a window asking to select the Team + Channel to set up Bing News in.  When that is selected the "Set up a connector" button highlights (allowing it to be clicked).  After clicking this button a screen  titled 'Connectors for "News" channel in "team name"' pops up with a significant list of "Connectors" to "Add".  None of these connectors are "News" related , in particular, there is nothing about "Bing News".  None of the-you tube videos have this problem.  In fact the videos access all this using the "Connectors" option from the '...' selection at the top of the page.  We/I do not have this "Connector" option available to us


can anyone please help


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