Files attached to Regular Email

Copper Contributor

My colleague send me a Word and an Excel documents attached to a regular email.  How can I save them in the Teams file?

4 Replies
Either via right click Upload > Team, but then you have to go to the root library and move it.

Use an outlook addin such as OnePlaceMail to do it (My preferred method)..

Or you can Go to your library in Teams > Open in SharePoint and sync the document library. Once synced, you can use Save as, to save to the synced location on your computer.
If you forward the email to the Team email address, shouldn't that store the email and attachments?
Yeah, that could work, but then you get an eml file and the attachments, kind of unorganized IMO, but def. could go in and file them that way as well. Multiple ways to accomplish the same. I mean you could get even super fancy if you wanted and create a PowerApp that reads your latest e-mails and moves those attachments into document libraries using flow lol!
Doesn't Flow already have a basic template for that? Or at least there is one to copy directly to your OneDrive.