Export Members List in latest Microsoft Teams??

Copper Contributor

Teams was updated fairly recently. I was previously able to export a Member List of Teams Channel using a script. This appears to no longer be the case or is there a new way to do this?

3 Replies
Can you share the script? Changes on the client side should have no impact on any script-based solution.

@VasilMichev the script might be part of the issue, but there might be some others. Part of the process before was to right click in the white space to "Inspect" to input the script in "Console"; being able to right click in that empty space is no longer do-able.

Below is the script I was using:


$(function() {

// **************
// Initialization
// **************
const csvFileName = 'team-membership-roster-export.csv'
const csvDelimiter = ','
const csvHeader = 'Display Name' + csvDelimiter + 'Title' + csvDelimiter + 'Location' + csvDelimiter + 'Role' + csvDelimiter + 'UPN' + '\r\n' // CSV header row
let csvContent = csvHeader // Initialize CSV content
const rosterLength = $('.td-member-display-name').length // Number of visible members

// Check if we're an owner of the team
let roleSelector = '.td-member-role' // Consider we're not an owner by default
if ($('.td-member-editable-role').length > 0) {
roleSelector = '.td-member-editable-role' // Override if we're an owner

// ************************
// Iterate over each member
// ************************
for (let index = 0; index < rosterLength; index++) {
// Extract the display name, title, location and role
const displayName = $('.td-member-display-name').eq(index).text()
const title = $('.td-member-title').eq(index).text()
const location = $('.td-member-location').eq(index).text()
const role = $(roleSelector).eq(index).text()
const upn = $('.td-member-photo img').eq(index).attr('upn')
// Append to the CSV content
const csvRow = displayName + csvDelimiter + title + csvDelimiter + location + csvDelimiter + role + csvDelimiter + upn + '\r\n'
csvContent += csvRow

// Debug the export to console
console.info(rosterLength + ' members exported:')

// **********************************************************
// Dynamically generates a CSV file and triggers its download
// **********************************************************

// Create a dynamic "a" tag
var element = document.createElement('a')
// Set href link with content
'data&colon;application/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csvContent)
// Set downloaded file name
element.setAttribute('download', csvFileName)
// Hide the elemement and add it to the page
element.style.display = 'none'
// Launch download
// Remove element

Oh, I see, you're getting this client-side. Sorry, my knowledge on the client side is limited.