Error when creating a Shifts calendar in Teams

Copper Contributor

I'm seeing an issue in Teams when trying to enable a Shifts calendar for some Teams, but not all.  I have a couple of Teams where I am an owner and can use the Team without issues, however, when I go in to create a Shifts calendar a get the following error "We can't find that team, or you're no longer a member.


In one case I was able to work around it by assigning another user as an Owner.  They went in and found that the Shifts calendar already existed.  They added me to the calendar and then I was able to get in.  Anyone else seen this issue? 

6 Replies



Did you ever get ANY responses to this issue?  I also am owner and literally admin over everything, can't create a schedule to save my life.  I have found zero info on this error anywhere else.  Have you have any luck in the last 30 days or found any work-around?  I tried your suggestion of making someone else an owner, no dice, didn't exist already and they could not create it, same error, "We can't find that team, or you're no longer a member."


Same issue on our end. Work around was to make someone else owner of the team and that person has the ability to create the shift. For some reason the initial owner is not able to create a shift.


Did you create your team thru powershell or the GUI?

same issue here

@marvhenThe MS Team has escalated the issue. The workaround is in your powershell, first add the user as a member and then make that same user the owner. 


Add-TeamUser -GroupId 31f1ff6c-d48c-4f8a-b2e1-abca7fd399df -User -Role "Member"

Add-TeamUser -GroupId 31f1ff6c-d48c-4f8a-b2e1-abca7fd399df -User -Role "Owner"

Thanks @Ricardo Rivera.  In case others are following these instructions I tried executing the powershell commands for myself and got:


Add-TeamUser : Error occurred while executing Add-TeamUser
Code: Request_BadRequest
Message: One or more added object references already exist for the following modified properties: 'members'.


I will try to get someone else remove me and add me back and report back any issues.